Regardless what Bush may say to deceive this is the vanguard of a naval invasion by Canadians, Cubans, Chinese, British and UN/NATO occupation forces so we suggest you arm yourselves and prepare for WW III.
Dear Mr. O'Reilly,
From Captain May~~~~GHOST TROOP
The email conveying your challenge to me, from my executive officer, Capt. Spooner, a Korean War USAF vet, is below this one, which is from me to you. I shall follow this email up immediately with another just like it, except for the inclusion of my address and telephone number, which you requested in your challenge to debate opponents. In the CC line you'll find two references (explained below) along with Capt. Spooner.
Your challenge is most intriguing, and as the commander of Ghost Troop, I accept it wholeheartedly! I am a former Army military intelligence and public affairs officer, whose last assignment was as a public affairs officer for the 75th Division. I was a Desert Storm volunteer. Like you, I'm also a former teacher, and was tea cher of the year in the Diocese of Galveston/Houston in 1992; afterwards I taught public school as well, then embarked on a media and ghostwriting career. I interviewed with Bush media chief Karen Hughes in 1996 when she contacted me about being the Bush speech writer. After learning enough about each other, we agreed that it wouldn't be a good match.
According to my XO, the debate is to be live -- which shows that you have great confidence and courage. My compliments! If, however, you think it better to have editorial control, then I accept those terms, too.
In answer to your stipulation that the challenged party choose the topic -- I propose the following three:
The Quicksand War: Long before the war, I published three much-read essays in the Houston Chron icle predicting a quicksand war for our military forces in Iraq if we invaded it. The last of them (which resulted in my exile from the mainstream and sent me into cyber-writing) appeared on July 8, 2003 -- a bare two days after Joe Wilson's anti-Bush op-ed in the NYTimes on July 6, 2003. My editors ran it as a follow-up to Ambassador Wilson's admirable piece! Candidly, I was quite happy to call Bush's character and capacity into question and imply -- as strongly as I could -- that he was a chickenhawk.
The Battle of Baghdad Cover-up (BOBCUP):
Ghost Troop was formed in response to the collective media black-out of our fallen comrades -- Army and Marines -- in the Battle of Baghdad Cover-up (BOBCUP), which began at the Baghdad Airport on April 5, 2003. As you and I (and all the self-censoring media) know, Private Jessica Lynch was the distraction story in a disinformation operation that culminated with the pull-down of Saddam's statue. Between the brackets of hero Jessica and tyrant Saddam was the unconscionable desecration of our fallen comrades, killed in action and buried in the media. I went to Ft. Stewart, home of the 3rd ID, and found that their widows and orphans were being thugged and drugged into submissive silence on the matter.
The media/media psychological warfare against the American People:
After self-activating on a mission of conscience to uphold the Dept. of Defense's "Principles of Information," I spent 2003 in constant communication and correspondence with many top-echelon VIP's in the media and politics, and later published the entire correspondence as a report to Congress. I expect that now, as the infowar is turning against the Bush Boyz (our pet name for the prez and his pets), I expect that the Ghost Tro op Report to Congress is under consideration as a principle source of official evidence in any pending reforms of the mass media. It is four volumes, and has been called an infowar classic by those who don't watch Fox, and I'm prepared to debate its general or specific accusations. Within it there are innumerable demonstrations that the "embedded" media was aware that it was involved in shameful, unethical falsehood -- the essence of psyops. Publication References: You may learn more about Ghost Troop and the work-product/challenges I have mentioned above from a recent press release, published widely on the internet: Ghost Troop Press Release . The link I provide was from our most conservative publisher, the National Vanguard -- I sent that one because it seems to me that in many key regards it and Fox News are similar. Personal References:
Chase Untermeyer, U.S. Ambassador to Qatar, is my best friend, and honored me by serving as best man at my wedding. "Chaplain Chase" volunteered to serve in Ghost Troop out of patriotic dedication to truth. Here's a link to his Aug. 28, 2003 decision: Thom Shanker, the Chief Pentagon Correspondent of the NY Times was riding along with Ghost Troop for the better part of 2003, until we went from emails accusing the media of a media-wide cover-up to actually publishing those cover-ups in Dec., 2003. He is extensively implicated in the Ghost Troop Report to Congress and I provide a bit of our email correspondence (from before his courage fai led him) to authenticate the connection: Thom Shanker <> wrote: Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2003 09:35:47 -0500
To: Eric May <>
From: Thom Shanker <>
Subject: Re: Dissident officer accuses White House of cover-up
Captain May,
In the interest of holiday understanding, I have to ask: After treating you with respect, as opposed to the hostile notes I know you have gotten from other members of the news media, why do you choose to insult me, as you did in the note you sent out? Such action is beneath a professional soldier such as you.
At 05:26 PM 12/23/2003 -0800, you wrote:
My name is Captain Eric H. May, and I am making the flat allegation that the Bush White House covered up the Battle of Baghdad with the Private Jessica scam. Please be so kind as to visit the site I brought on line two days ago:
If you find the evidence of interest, kindly contact me via this email. I am copying this letter to Thom Shanker, chief pentagon correspondent for the New York Times. Thom knows about the cover up, but is afraid to tell -- all the mainstream media are. You already knew you couldn't trust them, didn't you?
With your permission, I'll include you in my daily column, If I May, an analysis of war news from a former intelligence and public affairs officer. If you don't want me to contact you again, kindly send a message.
Best regards,
Captain May
Thom Shanker
Pentagon correspondent
The New York Times
Final word:
Mr. O'Reilly, I think a debate between us would do much indeed to inform the American People of the unreported and under-reported realities of the war in Iraq, and the media manipulations that brought it about and keep it going. I assure you that I can be every bit as "fair and balanced" as you of Fox, and believe we would be a good match. I am eager to read your acceptance of my acceptance of your challenge!
Captain Eric H. May, MI, USA
CO, Ghost Troop, 3/7 Cybercav+
Mission of Conscience / Patriots in Action
From: Capt. John Spooner, Ghost Troop XO (
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 22:35:16 -0800
To: Capt. Eric May, Ghost Troop CO (
Subject: Bill O'Reilly, Fox News Host
Capt May,
An opportunity may be knocking. I don't know if you follow O'Reilly on
FOX NEWS or not. He is a loudmouth know-it-all X teacher that in my
opinion qualifies for Chief Propaganda Minister. He is entertaining but
he is a NWO mouthpiece.
He put out a challenge on tonight's program. He wants people to debate
him on any subject if you think you are man or woman enough. The debates
are supposed to be live.
Thought I would give you a heads up if you are not aware. If you are
interested you can contact him at He needs
your name, address, and phone number.
He is a bully, albeit well-br iefed on select subjects.
Good luck if you decide to take on the mission.
Capt. Spooner (USAF)
From Jim
It is very clear what we are supposed to do to preserve our Freedom.
The real problem, plain and simple is the people themselfs.
Well thats what's happened to our Nation, the Constitution and Bill Of Rights have lost their power ,because the people them selfs walked away and turned their backs on them.
Plain and simple, the American men are willing to go abroad and fight, but like the guts to stand up for our Nation at home.
I have watched, for 6 years, ever sinse 911, and seen doors opened for the patriots to form a strong Militia, to protect this Nation, the truth is, even this president opened that door several times himself. I am not a Bush fan, but thats the facts.
What did the patriots do, they stood at the side and peaked in, then turned their backs.
The cold hard fact is, until the American people find the leader ship, and focus on the one and only thing that can save this Nation, we are lost.
The second Amendment is the only thing we have left.
You cannot depend on the NRA, or Gun owners of America, to fight your battles for you. You have to fight your own battle at some point in your life.
Who disgraced our Constitution, and slandered the word MILITIA, it Was Bill Clinton and Jannet Reno, with the help of a bought and paid for news media..why, to get the anti-terriorist bill passed. and it worked.
If you want to do something, attack the reporters, flood them with e-mails, tell them to quit disgraceing our Constitution, quit calling every terriorists group world wide. Militias. Take back your heritage, the word Militia is the American people, be proud of it, stand up for it. I have sinse the early 90's,
I have often wondered when my doors would be kicked in, for standing up for the Militia, but I am still here, I just wonder where the rest of the Men in America is.
The Vets, of all people, that has fought for this Country should be on the front line supporting the Militia and Constitution.
From LGNA Command
I have at times, been chief amongst sinners and law-breakers. I have for some time now, repented of my former self and tried to make amends through good deeds and sacrifice. I have always felt inadequate towards this end.
I wonder what secret lives some of our Forefathers lived before their pronounced change of heart. I wonder because I know the dept of my commitment. I also know the dept of theirs as well. It took the saving "Grace of God" to preserve me from death on numerous occasions and to deter my youthful ignorance and anger. It took His loving mercy to persuade me that He had allowed me to go through the things I did, to build my skills and character, for this very struggle and hour.
I think no less of the Commanders I continue to be blessed with knowing, if only by email. I am proud to serve in The L.G.N.A. as a fellow Confederate Soldier in opposition to this great evil this world now faces. I have personally found solace in this calling; for I feel directly led of God in this endeavor. I'm sure that the souls of ALL who have suffered and died, in other struggles in their own times, for Freedom's sake and preservation; CHEER US ON!!! They must surely be awakened from their rest to see that some in this generation; will not relent to slavery, nor EVER forget THEIR BRAVE sacrifices. THEY DID NOT DIE IN VAIN!!! We now follow their excellent examples.
Never before has evil had such a surmountable force. Never before has evil had all the advantages of technologies. Never before has the future looked so bleak for the unsuspecting. AND NEVER BEFORE HAS A FORCE OF SUCH DEDICATION RISEN TO FACE SUCH EVIL....
My personal efforts are done from a grateful heart towards God; for His mercy and the gifts in my life. My personal ideology is to use the time I have left in this world to do some lasting good. My personal motto is: "TRUST GOD, AND MOVE FORWARD"...
I invite you to call them your own...
From John
"We the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior, and secure the blessings of debt free liberty to ourselves and our great-great-great grandchildren, hereby try one more time to ordain and establish some common sense guidelines for the terminally whiny, guilt ridden, delusional, and other liberal bed-wetters. We hold these truths to be self evident: that a whole lot of people are confused by the Bill of Rights and are so dim they require a Bill of NON-Rights."
ARTICLE I: You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV, or any other form of wealth. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing anything.
ARTICLE II: You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone -- not just you! You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc.; but the world is full of idiots, and probably always will be.
ARTICLE III: You do not have the right to be free from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful, do not expect the tool manufacturer to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy.
ARTICLE IV: You do not have the right to free food and housing. Americans are the most charitable people to be found, and will gladly help anyone in need, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation after generation of professional couch potatoes who achieve
nothing more than the creation of another generation of professional couch potatoes.
ARTICLE V: You do not have the right to free health care. That would be nice, but from the looks of public housing, we're just not interested in public health care.
ARTICLE VI: You do not have the right to physically harm other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim, or kill someone, don't be surprised if the rest of us want to see you fry in the electric chair.
ARTICLE VII: You do not have the right to the possessions of others. If you rob, cheat, or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don't be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place where you still won't have the right to a big screen color TV or a
life of leisure.
ARTICLE VIII: You do not have the right to a job. All of us sure want you to have a job, and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities of education and training laid before you to make yourself useful.
ARTICLE IX: You do not have the right to happiness. Being an American means that you have the right to PURSUE happiness, which by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an over abundance of idiots created by those of you who were confused by the Bill of Rights.
ARTICLE X: This is an English speaking country. We don't care where you are from, English is our language. Learn it or go back to wherever you
came from! (lastly....) NOW..
ARTICLE XI: You do not have the right to change our country's history or heritage. This country was founded on the belief in one true God. And yet, you are given the freedom to believe in any religion, any faith, or no faith at all; with no fear of persecution. The phrase IN GOD WE TRUST is part of our heritage and history, and if you are uncomfortable with it, TOUGH!!!!
From Lionheart
I don't favor IMPEACHMENT as it lets the guilty
go free with a pardon,RESOURCES and sticks the American
citizens with a sizable debt and another idiot that climbed
rapidly from second in command to Commander in Chief. Many
of my allies colleagues and myself are proponents of
PEACHMENT instead. When you PEACH a traitor,mongrel or a
satanist,all you need is good strong Manila rope,several
politicians,judges pedophiles or quislings,a good healthy
tree with strong limbs (even telegraph poles,signal lights
or D.C. lamposts will suffice in a pinch). You then put a
rope around these scoundrels necks and proceed to hoist them
about 8-10 feet in the air,in front of a crowd of U.S.
Patriots. You then allow these traitors to hang in the
elements by the neck, until just like a Georgia Peach,they
ripen,turn yellow and fragrant and eventually fall to the
ground,..... This is known as PEACHMENT and is very
effective. I remember Ramsey Clark from Johnson`s reign and
I believe that traitor would make a wonderful PEACHMENT
I've Had It! Enough Is Enough!
I am sick and tired of politicians whose heads are buried in their butts where the light doesn't shine. If there's no light, there's darkness and our so-called leaders have brought us darkness. They don’t lead. They talk, pass laws which are seldom enforced, argue, lie, cheat and steal. They pee on our feet and eloquently try to convince us that it's raining!
Silent Citizen. I'm fed up with you also. A space-occupying mass, That's what you are.
If you are immune to reality, you belong in darkness! If you have any guts and patriotic sympathy, read on.
OUR COUNTRY HAS GONE ASTRAY. It's time to correct the errors! KISS. That's the solution. 'Keep It Simple Stupid!' Here's how:
a. MIDDLE EAST. IRAQ. We don't belong in the Middle East. We belong at home, The U.S. is NOT the policeman of the world. There is civil war in Iraq. Face it. Let's get out. We've spent trillions of $$ trying to convince these people that democracy is best for them. They can take one look at us and know that they want no part of it. They want to kill each other for Allah. Let them. That will keep them busy.
b. LEGISLATION: let's quit passing more laws that we never enforce. We are a country of laws; Too many! We have so many laws that our enemies use them against us. Too many laws result in too many lawyers and that's a problem, too. Shakespeare told us to kill the lawyers. Maybe it's not too late.
c. DEATH PENALTY: we are becoming a 'sick of mind' nation governed by laws which make little sense. Morales was supposed to have been executed last week. Stupid laws and dumb judges fixed that. Morales killed a young woman, smashed her head with a hammer -- over and over but only after he brutally raped her. A jury found him guilty. So, HE IS GUILTY! If dead, Morales will no longer be a problem. Revenge? DAMN RIGHT!
We shouldn't have high security prisons either. A crime should be looked upon as either venial or mortal. If deemed venial, a criminal should be fined and put to work from a local jail, Habitual offenders should be executed plain and simple. Why should honest taxpayers support killers and habitual criminals and keep them well fed, well clothed and healthy for untold number of years? That shouldn't have to be. Ludicrous! Murder is a crime. It should be punishable by death within three months! The same goes for habitual criminals. It wouldn't take long before people could stop locking their doors at night!
d. ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS: They are illegal, pure and simple. If we had shot them when they came across they wouldn't be a problem today. Send them back from whence they came or put them to work in our deserts where they can learn to turn sand into vegetables. Pay them a fair wage, less their keep. When we send them back to their respective countries, they'll be most eager to run for the border!
e. WELFARE shouldn't be a way of life. Let the churches care for the poor and the lazy! Use the dole for people in need and end it in six months. Women who have children like popcorn in a microwave and the men who keep impregnating them should be sterilized!
f. MILITARY SERVICE should be mandatory for all young men who reach the age of 17 -- if they've not already become drug addicts. The military is a good place to teach a young man his worth. Military service should be provisional for women.
g. AID TO NATIONS, both economic and military, should be discontinued for all but the poorest of countries. This aid should be temporary, not be permanent! We should begin the Middle East countries who are not of the poor!
h. THERE'S A LOT more to come. Meanwhile, just consider that the duty of government is to guard our shores, deliver the mail and mind it's own damn business! Remember that elected officials ARE servants and NOT who they think they are! If we get tough with our political leaders, our grand children and great grand children will begin to realize what an Eden the United States of America can be. We will not have left them to face the debts and sins of a country gone sour by the sheer greed, self servitude and bare faced, naive stupidity of its leaders who are enabling the ship of state to head for the shoals.
AND YES SAM, you and others like you at age 88, won't have to bag groceries six days a week to buy health needs and medicine to keep their loving wives and other aged loved ones alive!